Here's the description from the website:
"Last Pasties Standing is a burlesque game show in which two (8, actually) will enter, one will…. well, nobody will end up wearing much.
This show is all about on-the-spot, creative improvisation and audience response. Eight burlesque-a-teers will take the stage and create spontaneous performances in head-to-head strip-offs to songs selected right as they get on stage. Who does it better? That’s for the audience to judge. Winners will go on to the next round, playoff style. There are additional burlesque-themed games inviting audience and performer participation, as well.
Join us for a night of spur-of-the-moment striptease and silly, sexy fun!"
So how this works is that each performer brings 3 costumes (one for each round) and you find out who you're up against and what song you'll be performing to by the luck of the draw. The audience decides the winner of each pairing and they go on to the next round. In the case of a tie they become a duet, another tie they become a trio, etc... until at the end of the three rounds there is a winner declared. The winner gets bragging rights and assorted crappy prizes!
After months of this amazing event happening I finally got to go see the June 29th Motown Showdown. The show was silly and fun, full of ridiculousness and a a great time. Watching the performers pull the routines out of thin air along with trying to make their chosen costumes work with their given song was really an amazing show of skill. The performances sometimes got really weird, you can tell a lot about the performer by what their default improv styles are, but they were always fun to watch even if they were kind of a train wreck because of not being familiar with the song or trying to duet a trio with people you had never even met, let a lone worked with, before. The winner was Benjamin Elizabeth and she was very excited about her crappy prizes!

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